This seasons favorites

This seasons favorites

This seasons favorites

Whole bean filter coffee and espresso. During the different seasons of the...

Cup of Excellence

El Aguate - Honduras

Floral and juicy. Wild strawberries, raspberries and citrus.

This is Evin Joel Moreno's very first batch of Geisha, which with its delicate taste and high quality secured him 16th place in CoE Honduras 2024.

Shop El Aguate here

Fruity and sweet

Try our popular Black Coffee

A sweet and fruity natural from Ethiopia.

Prepare yourself for jammy ripe berries and chocolate in aroma. Red ripe berries and jam in taste. Jammylicious!

Shop Black Coffee here

Are you interested in


Coffeeshop, restaurant, café or office? We would love to collaborate with you!

We offer a large selection of freshly roasted, high quality specialty coffees. Get more information and register as a wholesale customer here.

Wholesale registration
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Please visit our Norwegian webshop if you require shipping to Norway